Sometimes good can come out of a horrible event. That’s what has occurred as a result of the brutal killings of three lovely, innocent teens in Israel. The Jewish population was galvanized to find the boys and once the truth was known — that they had been senselessly murdered — the country mourned together. As a result of their deaths, Israel retaliated, only to discover the dangers in Gaza that awaited us. I never think things happen just by chance.
There is a an upcoming Fiber Art exhibit in Greater Hartford at the Mandell JCC, Chase Family Gallery.
The theme is Connecting Threads of Jewish artists around the world. The curator, Diane Cohen, made a promo video to show the exhibit quickly. Here is a link to the video.
Video of the exhibit
The exhibit runs from July 8 — Aug 31.
335 Bloomfield Avenue, West Hartford, CT
Opening July 8 6-8pm
I am especially excited because I have 6 pieces in the exhibit! (Check out the top left piece on the poster!)
Come visit and enjoy.
Last year at the summer workshops of the Israel Quilter’s Association I started a piece based on my photo at the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee). The workshop was taught by Maya Schonenberger. It was great! Maya is exceptional. Her work is exquisite and we all learned tons.
Exhibits, drawing, art challenges… What else?
Winter is a great time to challenge myself. I hate the cold and prefer to hybrinate inside next to my warm… sewing machine.
I finally decided to start taking drawing classes and they have really made a difference. I have learned a ton about perspective and rules of drawing. I drew a self portrait, which everyone agrees looks like someone or everyone in my family. I think it’s a great start! Naomi Ocean, my art teacher and Riki Metz my fellow art student are both incredibly supportive and share so much knowledge. Thanks you guys!
I’ve been composing a series of work: A glance at scenes of Israel through my eyes
This is an ongoing process, but here is a collection of my pieces to date with this theme.
I hope you enjoy this slideshow of some of my newer pieces of quilt art.

Along the Jordan River. W: 30 in x H: 22 in. 2011.
Visit my Wall Art Exhibit to learn more information about each piece and how to purchase it.
Everyone come to the fair! Etz Chaim, Beit Shemesh. Thursday, 27 Feb. @ 5-9pm
Well, it’s time for the fair. I am in frenzy mode. Working… Creating… Not sleeping… The house is a mess and I haven’t done any of the other tasks one should do when running a business EXCEPT making new stuff for the fair. It will be at our synagogue, Etz Chaim in Beit Shemesh on Thursday, 27 Feb. from 5-9 pm. I have been racking my brain to come up with some new artful, yet functional items. I think I have done it. You will tell me, I am sure. So, please come see me at the event.
There will be a bake sale in addition and something else they call a “White Elephant”. You know the adage, someone’s stuff is someone else’s treasure… That’s the Elephant part of the event.
I look forward to seeing you there. Come find something special for your self or the perfect gift and support exceptional, colorful, handmade art and craft at my table. Thanks!
I belong to a quilters group in Modein Israel that has a lovely tradition. A paper bag is passed around and we drop our scraps into the bag. Then the bag goes home with one of the members at the end of each meeting. The challenge is to make something unique from the scraps. I decided to make a scrappy quilt from the leftovers in the bag when it was my turn. I added the blue fabric for the sashing and back, but the rest was made exclusively from scraps. No two blocks are the same.
Dimensions: 52.5″ x 41″ / 132 cm x 104cm
So what do you say?
Would you like to join our challenge? Contact me. It’s great fun!
Drawing classes, what a wonderful surprise. I found out I can draw!!! What an amazing discovery. You need a pencil or two, an eraser and a lot of patience. I have a long way to go, but it is a beginning. Now I will tell you a little about what I learned.
I had an epiphany towards the end of the year and I didn’t want to wait till 2014 to start. I thought that if I could improve my drawing skills, my artwork would benefit all around. I sought out a local teacher and thankfully found a talented, creative, energetic art teacher, named Naomi Ocean.
My first real project was of Poor Yorick (Hamlet). I worked on him for 3-4 weeks together with Naomi’s guidance and help. Who knew what one could do with a pencil and an eraser and a lot of precision? The pencil strokes and shading form the face and the background. You can’t just have an image floating on the page though. It has to have a background, right? Shading the background is how you make the focus of your drawing pop. You shade with a pencil but you draw with a pencil and an eraser. Lighter areas are brought out by erasing lightly. It’s all so basic, but not at all simple. I am sure that with these new skills I will find painting with thread even more fun than before. Here are a few shots of Yorick. Let me know what you think of him…