Art Gallery

My Books

Handi Quilter Dealer


Art Quilt Stories of People and Places

My name is Cindy Richard and I am a fiber artist. My art quilts are based on glimpses of my life, which I capture in photographs that I take of my surroundings and family in Israel. I create realistic textile art that emphasizes depth and dimension by using color & values and shadows & light through my choices in fabric and thread.

My award winning works are internationally exhibited. Welcome to CindyRQuilts, Textile Art!

We Published Our Second Book!

I wrote two books together with Phyllis Cullen about quilted faces and figures. Both are available on Amazon.com

Our first book, called It’s All about the Face, teaches layered collage techniques from start to finish with an emphasis on quilting the work. 

Book 2, More Than Just a Pretty Face, is the advanced companion book in our portrait series. It focuses on the entire figure in situ, with an emphasis on both realistic and abstract portraiture.

Both are art books with tons of eye candy.

We started a Facebook group promoting portraits that now has 9000 members. Visit us and join so we can see your work too!

Phyllis and I are now teaching courses and lecturing. Visit our website (QuiltedPortraitsAndMore.com) for more information.