4 In Israel / Holyland/ Landscapes

Taking the long, windy path…

There is a path in the town where I live in Beit Shemesh, Israel that runs quite a long way. This time of year it is very pretty with lots of blooming, particularly almond blossoms. I was inspired while strolling there and decided to work something up with that path in mind. This is still a work in progress, but it’s a nice beginning, I think.

The tree-lined path, prequilted

I am thinking about how to best quilt it: maybe cobblestones? maybe ridges? I’m not sure. Also I’ve asked my friend Phyllis Cullen what she thinks about the shadows on the path. In a class I took with Phyllis last year, I remember she said the bottom of the path should be darker than the top so the path doesn’t appear to stand up.

More to come! Meanwhile, what do you think?

0 In Business

No time to quilt? How can that be?

I haven’t been able to quilt the last two days. I have been focused on work on the computer. I am combining my website and blog in WordPress. It’s coming along quite nicely but it’s an ambitious endeavor. I’ll write again when I am ready to launch.

At the same time, I am also trying to reach out to people to help them build online shops. It’s not effective to limit sales to our local market, so I have been selling on Etsy. I thought I might be able to help other crafters / artists do the same. I build shops and teach users to maintain their shops.

All this activity is well and good, but when does a person get to quilt? It’s time for me to take a break and create something in fabric.

You know where to find me!

0 In Israel / Holyland/ Landscapes

Scenes from Holy Land: Sea of Galilee landscape quilt

Scenes from the Holy Land: Sea of Galilee is my rendition of the shores of lake Kinneret, located in the Galilee in Northern Israel. The Sea of Galilee is our main source of water and due to a severe drought water levels have been a great concern over the past few years.

This is the first of a series of Kinneret quilts I am planning. I think this part of the country is beautiful and I have tried to convey this in my quilt. I hope you too can appreciate the countryside by peering into the waters of my work. I used numerous fabrics to depict the rocks and mountains.

Scene from the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee)

Dimensions: 19″w x 15″h / 48cm x 38.5cm

Available at my Etsy shop. Visit soon!

0 In Israel / Holyland/ Quilting Guilds/ Quilting Techniques

Etsy Quiltsy team: Traveling quilt blocks

The Quiltsy Team on Etsy has organized a round robin quilt. This time the blocks come from all over the world, including Canada, Australia, Israel and many parts of the US. The pattern is log cabin and the color range is blues, greens and purples. Each time someone posts a block, she sends a photo with the block within a scene indigenous to her home. All the posts appear in the Quiltsy Blog.I took a photo of my block on a windy day while standing in front of the ancient wall at Tel Tzora, Israel, famous for Samson and Delilah, which is just a few minutes from our house.
Wikipedia writes: “Samson is believed to have been buried in Tel Tzora in Israel overlooking the Sorek valley. There reside two large gravestones of Samson and his father Manoah. Nearby stands Manoah’s altar (Judges 13:19-24). It is located between the cities of Tzorah and Eshtaol.”

Quiltsy round robin quilt block and me, in front of tel Beit Shemesh Log cabin block for Quiltsy quilt

1 In Business/ Classes

Etsy symposium hits the craft community

Yesterday EtsyEtsy Symposium graciously held an insightful, inspirational symposium to help crafters learn what we all need to do to succeed in our businesses. The symposium, entitled

Success on Etsy Symposium:  Let’s Get Off Our Butts: Building a Responsive Business

ran 6 1/2 hours (with some breaks) and was well attended locally as well as online through a live feed that reached about 2000 viewers.

All the sessions will be archived here:
http://community.etsy.com/selling/etsy-success-symposium Continue Reading →

0 In News

Egyptian Revolution Blues by Sandy Cash

Sandy Cash just came out with a brilliant, timely song about the current unrest in Egypt called Egyptian Revolution Blues. Don’t underestimate all the subtle and not-so subtle nuances of the story she retells. I’d say this is her best. It’s great! Take the time for a listen.

As Sandy says, “There’s not much time… after all, by tomorrow, everything could change!”

Egyptian Revolution Blues by Sandy Cash

Visit Sandy at: www.sandycash.com.

0 In Community

Round robin quilt

I agreed to join a round robin quilt with the Quiltsy Team on Etsy. The idea is that everyone who participates makes a block and helps assemble it into rows. Then someone connects all the rows. Someone else quilts it and it goes up for sale in the Team store. Proceeds help to promote the members art. It’s a nice idea and it is a way to meet other quilters around the world. I am looking forward to it.

0 In Israel / Holyland

It’s raining… passion fruit!

It’s finally raining in the Land. We have had three glorious days of stormy weather from north to south and the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) is finally getting a sip.

I went out to the garden and found the passion fruit vine had shed it’s fruit — almost as if it was raining fruit. I filled two baskets. That should be enough for awhile since I am the only one in our family who likes them. Anyone have some good recipes for them? I usually eat them straight up.

They might make a nice subject for a quilt. I’ll have to mull that one over.
Passion Fruit
Enjoy the rain!