The Summer 2013 Barnard magazine has a call for entry section and this issue features a photo of my “In the Forest” quilt. It’s a full page photo with a byline… Cindy Kaye Richard ’82…
I got a charge from seeing it in print and I thought I would share. Thanks! Cindy
I have been thinking about what I do lately. Every now and then you are supposed to rethink your vision and mission statement to see if they are still on the mark. I always come back to the same thing. I want to make unique quilt art that adds to the beauty around us and I want the subject of my work to be the amazing landscape of Israel.
Art Quilting Studio magazine just came out with their Winter 2013 issue and guess what? I have a three-page spread in this issue. The topic of my piece is “From Photos to Quilts” where I discuss the process of creating quilts based on photos I have taken.
Here is the table of contents. It’s a quality trade magazine available at books stores, newsstands & online.
I am very excited to report my quilt, The fields of Kibbutz Shluhot, which I created in 2010 for the 100 Years of Kibbutz anniversary, has been selected to be part of the International Quilt festival in Beaujolais, outside Lyon, France, 18 – 21 April 2013. The French committee selected my quilt together with 29 other quilts from the Israel Quilters Association to be shown in this exhibit. You can see more about the exhibit by visiting their site:
Quilt Expo at Beaujolais
The quilt reveals a scene in northern Israel of Kibbutz Shluhot overlooking Mt Gilboa, which is very special to me because it reminds me of 30 years ago when I volunteered on this kibbutz. I tried to convey the quiet and serenity of the scene in my quilt.
I created this quilted fabric art using raw-edge applique and many different cotton fabrics as well as “snippets” of fabrics and yarns. The date trees were hand sewn and the fence is made of yarn. I thread painted using all different threads to embellish the piece and finally I machine quilted the layers into a magical quilt that hangs on the wall.
130cm h x 90cm w / 51″ x 35.5″
Finished art quilt wall hanging for Neil Diamond and his wife Kathryn
As promised, I am back to talk more about the commissioned quilt for Neil Diamond and Kathryn. The center of the quilt contains two paths that converge in a diamond shaped photo of the couple together in marriage. Each path contains photos that relate to special events that touched on each of their lives separately and some photos as a couple.
Commissioned quilt for Neil Diamond and his new wife Kathryn: A project from the stars continued
When I left off with my telling of the story of this quilt I had an approved sketch. I had a month to complete the quilt and ship it so it would arrive in time for the Diamond wedding. I felt the importance and relevance of this project all the way through the process. The concept behind the quilt was to portray their journey and it was truly a journey for me as well.
Commissioned quilt for Neil Diamond and his new wife Kathryn: A project from the stars!
Never underestimate the connections forged by using Facebook. One of my high school classmates and I were reconnected on Facebook during this year. We hadn’t been in touch in over 30 years! Anyway, she saw my quilt art and really liked it. Coincidentally, she was looking for a unique gift to bring as a wedding gift for her good friend, Neil Diamond,… the famous singer.

This is what Riki wrote at the end of the project:
“Last year I came up with the idea of having a quilt made for my
daughter Nediva’s bat mitzvah. I took the design to Cindy because I
knew that she would make a truly wonderful quilt — one that Nediva
would cherish all her life.
When Cindy saw the design, she asked me a question. “Can you use a sewing machine?”
“Yes,” I answered.
“You’re making that quilt,” said Cindy.
I gulped.”I don’t know anything about quilting,” I said.
“Then I will teach you,” said Cindy.
“You will make a quilt for Nediva. It will be meaningful to both of you.”
Cindy helped me choose the material and gave me step-by-step
instrucions on what to buy. She suggested that we use crazy quilting
to create Yosef’s coat. Then we sat together every week for two hours
and worked for about a year. Cindy is an extremely patient teacher.
She shares her hard earned knowledge generously. And she’s great fun
to be with. Not only did I have a teacher, I soon had a friend.
I am looking forward to making many more quilts with Cindy.
Riki Metz”