0 In Accessories & Wearables

How about a quilted customized key chain?

I spent the day making customized key chains. Each key chain is a different patchwork or crazy quilt pattern. It was a fun, creative project and I enjoyed coordinating colors while using up scraps. It is not too hard to make or very time consuming.

The nicest touch is that they can be personalized, so they make cute gifts. I figured out how to use the embroidery feature on my sewing machine and I can add names, initials and short messages to each key chain. Here are some samples.

Keychain collection

Available in my Etsy shop.

2 In Accessories & Wearables

Quilted bag collection

I’ve been really busy these last few days filling my quilted bag collection on my Etsy shop. I have new cosmetic bags to help organize your stuff. I keep all the things that always disappear in the bottom of my purse in these cosmetic bags. They are really cute  — quilted and colorful. The best part is the are affordable. I even added a charm on the zipper to add some pizazz. So far I have four different patterns and there are more to come.

beautiful batiks

I also added a novel tote / purse combo unit. It can be either one depending on your mood. These bags are also quilted and washable and really cute. They have inside pockets and great buttons and handles to accent the look of the bag. So far I added a personal favorite to my Etsy shop, basically because it is purple and everything purple is good! There are more colors to come, so stand by.

Child's Shoulder bag with butterfly

Embroidered Butterfly on purple bag

Woven handle on purple bag

0 In Quilting Techniques

Critiquing my quilt art

Quilting Arts Magazine asked  about critiquing our quilt art work: with whom we meet to be critiqued and if this process is helpful and useful.

My family members offer the best critiques of my quilt art. My husband, an engineer, and my oldest daughter cannot look at my art quilts without checking the perspective. Artistic license is not a relevant excuse. The lines must be right or the work is rejected and sent back for corrections… Though somewhat drastic, I find their artistic critiques helpful and true. My son-in-law has his own way of viewing my work. His overview is also very helpful as well. Together with my son and youngest daughter they are all my cheering committee. Without their support and belief in me I would not keep going.

Thanks all of you <my ducks>!

0 In Personal/ Quilting Techniques

Art quilting bucket list

Pokey, from Quilting Arts Magazine asked what would be on our Art Quilting Bucket List, so here goes…

This year I made a conscious choice not to return to my hi-tech job and instead to try to quilt as a career.

My bucket list would be to figure out how to actually succeed at making a living at quilting. But not just quilting. I don’t want to make the small stuff that people think is nice to have and buy here and there. I want to create art quilts to die for and become known as the one who does those amazing scenes from the Holy land.

Here is my first attempt. What do you think?

Along the Jordan River fabric art

For purchase, see my Etsy shop.

2 In Israel / Holyland/ News

At the risk of being political… Israeli paratrooper killed

This post isn’t about quilting. This post, at the risk of being political, is about an Israeli paratrooper named Nadav Rotenberg, who was killed by IDF mortar fire on Friday night. He was defending our border with Gaza where Hamas terrorists attempt to target IDF troops on patrol on a daily basis. He became another Gaza casualty.

Two years ago, Israel led a defensive measure, Cast Lead, against these mortar attacks from Gaza. There was a slow down in the number of attacks and Palestinian violence against Israeli civilians but it never became quiet on this border. Lately the number of rockets flying into Israel have been on the rise.
If this situation existed between the US and Canada, do you think it would continue? And if we did miraculously manage a peace plan with Fatah, do you think Hamas in Gaza would honor that peace and the rockets would stop? (For more information, see http://www.jpost.com/Defense/Article.aspx?id=202739.)

A reality I deal with daily is that my son is also a paratrooper. Any of our sons in combat could have been Nadav Rotenberg this weekend. Any of us mothers could have received this dreaded news. Is that what our 19-year-old sons should have to face so we can all live in some level of serenity? Is this what the mothers of our 19-year-old sons should have to fear?

1 In Personal

Pondering… How to face Monday morning?

I’m trying to convince myself that I should be up and running this Monday morning, January 3rd. It’s hard to pick up after a few days off and harder to keep going once projects have finished and the momentum has slowed.

I love quilting and I cherish alone time, but it can be really isolating sometimes. I hit the Web to see all the TAFA eye candy to try to give me a jump start. How do crafters keep moving and grooving, especially during this selling lull before us?

I’d love to hear how crafters motivate themselves… and keep motivating themselves.
Looking forward to hearing from you and meeting fellow crafters.

Visit TAFA at http://www.tafalist.com/.


1 In Animals/ Contests & Exhibits/ Works in Progress

May the judging begin: Quilt entered in contest

I mailed my Crab photos today. Maybe The Crab will be selected. Thanks to all who commented for your insight and help. January 21, 2011 the magazine will announce the finalists.

Now, on to the next project…
