0 In Animals/ Works in Progress

Another crab siting

Ok, so the crab is in the shadows and the sun, but who took away the rocks? This time I went for grass and rocks. Here is the current result.

Crab in progress4

I can show this without the rocks as well. Here goes.

Crab without rocks5

Which one???
I still need to deal with the top, left corner. Looking forward to your thoughts.

0 In Quilting Techniques

Fiber art is freeing

The difference between drawing with charcoal and drawing with thread on fabric is that you can touch the fabric. The textures can be an inspiration; the feel of the fabric and the smooth quality and softness can send your creative juices soaring. That’s my fiber thought of the day!

2 In Animals/ Works in Progress

The crab in its background

It took me quite awhile to figure out what to do with the area surrounding my Crab. I tried large stones, dark stones, light stones and all these pulled the focus away from the Crab. See…

Crab in progress2

So I got an idea that if the background became muted it would enable the Crab to pop more and would still have a feel of stones and pebbles. Enter, tulle in many colors. I have yet to finish all the thread painting, but I think this it the direction. Let me know what you think.

Crab in progress3

2 In Animals/ Works in Progress

The crab comes alive!

Every project goes through the same metamorphosis. I find a subject that inspires me. With gusto I go at the project. I choose the perfect fabrics. I do all the tracing and preparation work.  I begin to assemble all the little pieces of fabric, and I look at my project and think, “What was I thinking! This looks like a cartoon!”
Well, this crab project did not fail me. I got to the stage where I looked at the project and thought, this crab looks like ET! I started thinking a duck might work instead…
After a break, I was drawn to my sewing machine and began to add color and texture to the crab. Remarkably, it now actually looks like a crab! So, here is a photo in progress of my crab.The background needs attention, but at least I have something to work with now.

Here is a question: Should the background be lighter? Can you see the crab or is it too camouflaged?

Crab in progress

I would like to give credit to Aharon Zuckerman, who photographed this crab somewhere in Israel and then graciously said I could use it as the subject for a quilt. Thanks, Aharon.
This is the original photo.

Photo of Crab

3 In Contests & Exhibits

Quilt contest

I am going to enter into a contest. I need to make a 12″ x 12″ quilt of a pet or animal in the wild.

I thought I narrowed it down, but I just don’t know. I am now adding a duck and a crab to the list. The crab is amazing! Maybe that’s the one? I already had a bird, a turtle and a cat in a bowl.

So far I have heard from two people. They say the cat and the bird are good choices. Thanks for responding, Amy and Lynn!

What do you think??? It should be endearing and catch the eye. And, I should still be able to create it in fabric. More comments, anyone?

1 In Business/ Quilting Guilds

Etsy shop / TAFA forum

I feel like I haven’t written in a long time. I’ve been really busy stocking my Etsy shop with all my wonderful quilted projects. You can visit my shop if you want to see what I am offering. http://www.etsy.com/shop/cindyrquilts

I also found a great Textile and Fiber Art forum called TAFA. Rachel Biel is in charge of the entire operation and she is great. It’s an online list for networking among fiber artists. I am really happy to be an invited member of TAFA. Visit my new profile: http://www.tafalist.com/2010/12/cindyrquilts.html

If you want to become part of TAFA, let me know and I’ll introduce you to Rachel.

More show and tell to come. Have a good weekend!

1 In Israel / Holyland/ Landscapes

Forest collection: By the lake

I visited Northern Israel over Sukkot and was inspired by scenes around the Jordan River. The view  was breathtaking. I decided to create one of the scenes in fabric. It’s an impressionistic rendering, but I think you will agree you can wade through the water to the edge of the trees. I used cotton fabric to create this quilt art. The batting is cotton as well. If you are interested in purchasing it, contact me here or via my Etsy shop, where you will see other pieces of mine that are also up for sale.
Here is a photo of “By the Lake”.

By the Lake

3 In Housewares/ Judaica

Watercolor challah cover

My newest inspiration, with Chanukah on it’s way, is a Challah Cover made from a Watercolor Motif. I think it came out really lovely. I used 120 different 2″ squares to assemble this piece topped with gold lame candlesticks. I think it makes an elegant wedding gift or perhaps you are looking to perk up your own Shabbot table. Treat yourself to this unique, handmade intricate piece of art that is both functional and beautiful. In addition it is practical and is easily cared for.  You can also hang it on the wall if you don’t want to risk putting it on the table.

Watercolor motif challah cover

If you want to make one of these yourself contact me. I am now offering a class in Watercolor challah covers! The class will meet for 6 hours (3 sessions of 2 hours) and I will supply the materials. Contact me for additional details. 052-337-4078.
Learn the technique and make a matching table runner on your own.

Available at my Etsy shop.

1 In Plants/ Works in Progress

Maple leaf quilt

I can actually call this an art quilt now. I spent time arranging my fall-color leaves on a fabric canvas. Then, using thread painting,  I added veins to the leaves and pebbles to the background. It’s a nice, quick project that came out well.

Maple Leaves art quilt

Maple Leaves. W: 14 in x H: 12.5 in. 2009

Available at my Etsy shop.

2 In Housewares/ Judaica/ Landscapes/ Plants

More on landscapes

I needed a break from the landscape project, so I worked with fall-color maple leaves and made a mini-wall hanging.

Maple Leaves art quilt

Maple Leaves. W: 14 in x H: 12.5 in. 2009

I also made a watercolor challah cover in the meantime.

Watercolor challah cover / table centerpiece

Watercolor by Candle Light. 14.5″ x 18″ 2012

I went back to the landscape with new energy and ideas and here is a photo showing what it looks like after some thread painting has been applied. Keep in mind that this the sixth version of this landscape. Sometimes it requires a lot of stick-to-it-iveness to get the job done! Continue Reading →